How can AI Make Online Meetings Successful and Productive?

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With the rise of AI, it is high time that we utilize it correctly to enhance our productivity and business processes. According to Forbes, 64% of business experts believe AI can increase the overall productivity of the business.

With that being said, this article enlists some of the ways you can utilize AI to make your meetings more productive and successful.

Scheduling Assistant

To make a meeting successful, it is important that all the involved individuals are focused and completely available for the discussion. With the AI scheduling tools, you can gain insights about your teammates' preferred working time, booked slots, and suggested meeting times.

Having all this information sorted and organized in front of you helps make smart decisions about scheduling the meeting time for a productive discussion. It also allows you to avoid any meeting time conflicts.

Some of the popular AI scheduling assistant tools include Reclaim, Scheduler AI, and Motion.

Meeting Notes

With AI, there is no more a requirement of having a dedicated responsibility of taking notes throughout the meeting. The AI assistants can help by not only taking notes but also summarizing them to identify the action points. This automates the whole process of concluding meetings successfully.

One of the popular AI meeting notes and summary tools is MeetJamie.

Real-Time Language Translation

The language barrier is an enormous problem in live meetings. Although language translation tools are helpful, it could be hard to catch up with the whole conversation throughout the meeting. To help solve this problem, AI can help translate the meeting conversation into your preferred language in real-time.

Wordly is one of the popular AI-based real-time language translation tools with the ability to cater to up to 50+ languages.

Meeting Transcription

Some individuals find it hard to keep up with the conversation when relying only on their hearing skills. This problem can be easily solved by having a real-time meeting transcription, so you don’t miss any information.

AI tools take on the responsibility of transcribing the whole meeting discussion side-by-side for you. You can also download this transcription for future reference.

Some of the popular AI meeting transcription tools include Trint, Sonix, and Fireflies.

Voice Enhancement

With the rise of online meetings, it could be hard for an individual to ensure a noise-less environment at all times. AI tools can help you by blocking out background noises during meetings. Some of the tools are also capable of learning your voice distinctions helping it to offer a consistently better performance.

A few of the best AI voice enhancement tools include Adobe Audition, Descript, and Krisp.

Bringing it all together, it’s time that you utilize the capabilities of AI to make the meetings productive and successful. Allow the AI to handle all the usual tasks, while you focus on the more important ones.

Our coaches are here for you to help assess the ways your organization can make the best use of AI to enhance productivity and efficiency.


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